Misha, Bernese Philosopher, 4th Birthday.
Do I become more handsome, more philosophical, more wonderful as I age? I believe so.

Misha, Bernese Philosopher, 3rd Birthday.
Unfortunately Mom was silly and didn't get a picture for my 2nd Birthday. She really regrets her momentary stupidity. We have a video, but it isn't working right now.

Misha, Bernese Philosopher, 1st Birthday.

Now, I've experienced four birthdays already, and know very well how busy they get towards evening. So, I always make sure to take a good long nap in the middle of the afternoon, just when Mom wants to do the photo shoot.

These afternoon birthday naps are of extreme importance. By evening I have a big patrol walk to do, a pet store to vandalize, presents to pick and open, cards from my fans to open, birthday cake to eat, more posing to do...

Sigh. Yes, that is little brother. He can never keep his mouth shut.

The things I must sometimes endure, even on my birthday.. Bromley hates wearing hats on his birthday, but if it is mine, he is happy to..ie, he is just jealous.

Far be it from me to suggest he is hamming it up to get presents and cake too..

Oh well, letting little brother have his way sometimes is all part of the plan.

Four years old seems so sophisticated, so mature.. I believe the next level of enlightenment has been attained.

Little brother, on the other hand, is still another matter. Who could believe he is Sennetta's Sixten's great-grandson? I'm sure not telling him. At least he is taking my lessons on learning how to pose.

Here's to being an enlightened four year old in 2010, and getting everything that I want.